Friday, November 19, 2010

BlackBerry "Everything You Love: BBM" Commercial

This advertisement was for the Blackberry Phone company. The commercial is discussing the unique Blackberry Messenger application (BBM) that only Blackberry’s have. I saw this advertisement over the summer while I was watching TV and was immediately drawn to it because I am a Blackberry owner, and I love the BBM function of my phone.

This advertisement is aimed for males and females aging from late teens to early 50s. The reason I say that is because it shows the fun aspects of the BBM function, such as being able to see if people have read your messages. However, it also shows the business functions of the product, by demonstrating how one can do business by sending pictures of items over BBM. Furthermore, this advertisement seems to appeal to a psychographic segment of consumers who are trendy and value constant access and attention from their friends.

The main competitors of this product are other smart phones, such as the Motorola Droid and the Apple iPhone. The strengths of this brand lie in its fabulous reputation. Blackberry has the reputation of being the premier phone of business because of its Internet and email applications. Furthermore, BBM is a feature that is unique to only Blackberry’s, an aspect that is being promoted in this commercial. However, some of its weaknesses lie in the fact that it may be too business friendly. The Droid and iPhone all have more applications for every day life, such as music, games and videos. The Blackberry can come off as too boring, depending on the individual.

This advertisement conveys the strength of the brand by demonstrating the highlights of the brand. It demonstrates its practical, every day functions by showing how you can tell if someone has read your BBM message. I think the target audience would respond well to this advertisement because it touches on aspects of the target audience day-to-day lives. For example, it shows how the Blackberry is very functional for business functions by showing how you can do business via BBM. Furthermore, the woman in the commercial represents the social functions of Blackberry Messenger. The combination of business and social functions makes this commercial appeal to the target audience.

I love this advertisement because I love Blackberry’s. I am a Blackberry owner and my favorite function of the Blackberry is the BBM function, so naturally I can be considered part of the target audience for this commercial, and it most definitely appealed to me.

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