Friday, November 19, 2010

E-Trade Commercial: "Super Bowl Clown"

This commercial is for the E-Trade company, a stockbroker website. The function of the product is a stockbroker website where people can sell stocks and bonds through the Internet. I first saw this advertisement watching the Super Bowl this past February.

This advertisement is aimed at a very specific demographic. This demographic has to be older males and females, ranging from ages 25-90. Basically, this advertisement is aimed at anyone who is competent enough to have any knowledge in stocks and bonds, and trading them, or anyone who has any knowledge in finance or economics. This probably means they have some sort of college degree. Furthermore, the psychographic market segmentation is targeted at people who value economics and finance, and who care about making money through investing.

Some competitors of E-Trade are companies like Fidelity and Scott-Trade, who offer similar services to E-Trade. Some of the strengths of this brand lie in the fact that it has received national recognition for its product. Furthermore, the product being advertised is cheap and fairly easy to use. Not to mention, it is convenient and E-Trade can easily be accessed over the Internet and via smart phones. Furthermore, E-Trade has critically acclaimed research analysts. However, some of the competitors, such as Scott-Trade, offer trades at a cheaper rate than E-Trade.

This advertisement conveys the strength of the brand because it shows the incredible growth of the company and the incredible amount of money people are earning using the company. For example, the commercial cites the fact that 1000 new E-Trade accounts open a day, and that E-Trade accounts earn 8 times the national average. Obviously, the numbers speak for themselves and convey the strength of the brand.

I believe the target audience would respond well to this advertisement. Obviously, the target audience is an informed demographic, because it takes a smart person to be able to manage a stock portfolio. This commercial is great because it gives concrete numbers and examples of why E-Trade is a good product. Not to mention, the talking baby in the commercial is humorous and draws the target audience in, grabbing their attention.

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